Saturday, March 10, 2012

Small Stature for Maximilian

As infants, all of our children begin their lives at least as 9 or 10 pound babies. They always seem to be within the 75% or higher on the growth charts. Except for Max. He is 19 months and went from 50% to 3%-5% on the charts for his height. Although his pediatrician claims there is nothing to worry about, I am. Plus, his speech is not nearly even close to what his siblings were at this age. He looks and talks like a 12 month old. He is wearing 18 month size clothing and we suspect he may have a small stature.

We had lab work done to confirm any concerns and they only thing that came back irregular was his Insulin Growth Factor level 1 was on the low side so we are awaiting a call from the endocrinologist to find out our next steps. They will probably want to have a cortisol stimulation test completed to see if he might need growth hormones.

It is so hard not to worry. It is in these times of uncertainty that I rely deeply on my faith in Christ. I am so thankful to have Him and our blessed Mother Mary to pray and ask for patience and help. Max is such a blessing in our family and I know that whatever the outcome, Jesus will see us through it.

When saying your prayers tonight, will you please lift up Max. Pray the doctors will have the knowledge to discover what it is we are working with and that the Lord protects him through the testing. Thank you friend. Thank you Jesus for Max.

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