Friday, December 3, 2010

"I've got the whole bed to myself!"

Last night I'm reading a book to the boys and Alton got upset because Clive was sitting closer to the book than he was so Alton pushed Clive away.

"Stop it Tivey! Move Tivey! I can't see the book Tivey!"

Clive got his feelings hurt and left the room.

I turned to Alton and I said, "Alton, we need to love our brothers. How do you think that makes Clive feel when you yell at him and push him away?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

I said in a soft whisper,"How does it make you feel that Clive is sad?"

"Happy!" Alton beamed a huge smile from ear to ear.

"Happy? Happy? Why do you feel happy?" I asked in disbelief.

"I get the whole bed to myself."

I had to leave the room to prevent my two year old little Alton see me laughing at him.

Good thing he's cute!!

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