Monday, September 13, 2010

I love when the Lord gives me perspective through my 4 year old Clive.

For example, we are frantically searching the house for his shoes, we are running 10 minutes behind schedule (not really if the world would just conform to Porter time), I'm really frustrated, Max is starting to fuss, no one is helping, and I'm about to snap.

Can you relate?

And then Clive stops and says, "Mother (that ALWAYS gets my attention when he calls me mother), why don't we pray and ask Jesus to find my shoes." I just looked at him and started to cry. Of course these were joyous tears reflecting the faith my son has in the Lord.

And so we prayed. And the shoes were found. Clive's faith was reinforced while mine was strengthened.

All over a pair of shoes.

Praise be to God!

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