Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sieze The Day

When I learned of the decision our insurance company made to "divorce" my favorite hospital, St. Luke's South, I was devastated. Both Clive and Alton were delivered there, in the same room with the same nurses. It was like a family reunion of sorts. So when I learned I would be delivering this baby at Shawnee Mission Medical Center to say I was disappointed was an understatement. I was absolutely crushed.

Now I'm sure you are thinking, "What's the big deal? It's a hospital. I mean, you're not buying the place, you're staying there for 3-4 days to have a baby. Get some perspective!" And I would tell you of course your right. I'm not living there, just visiting for a few days. Which made me think, aren't we all just visiting a few days here on earth?

We are not permanently living here. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I know my home is being prepared for me in heaven. My true family reunion will occur with angels and a host of family and friends that are awaiting my arrival.

As a Realtor, I enjoy finding the right home for a Buyer. Helping those start a new life which typically comes along with a change for that person. Through a family expansion, loss of job, loss of a spouse, change in income, or a multitude of other reasons, it's always a change. Have you ever known someone who handles change well? In my experience, they are typically anxious, nervous, unsettled, and can be very emotional. It is through this time I can be a face of Christ to these people. I can help renew their spirit in the Faith of Jesus that He controls all things in His timing.

It is all about perspective. About what matters most in this life we have been given. It reminds me of a song by Caroline Arends called "Seize the Day". You can listen to it here:

I want to make every moment count here on earth while helping as many people as I can prepare for their permanent home in Heaven. It is what we are called to do. If I can help you, please let me know.


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