Monday, July 19, 2010

Honoring Ann

It was a Monday evening as I met with my Sisters In Christ for another opportunity of listening and sharing.

A woman named Ann was there and shared her faith journey with our group.

I was in awe of this godly woman. To have been through so much tribulation all while honoring the Lord was a truly humbling moment in my life. She is this incredibly strong woman to have persevered through the trials of her life yet never once blaming God or anyone for the hand she was dealt.

It is quite the opposite. She PRAISED the LORD through it all. Every tribulation she honored Him.

Every pain. Every chemo treatment. Every cross she beared. She honored the Lord just as He has commanded us to do.

I never knew Ann. I never had the privilege of hanging out with her. We never prayed together or had lunch on a regular basis. She was not my neighbor or a friend of a friend. And yet her spirit really touched my heart. Her life was beautiful and I feel so blessed to have heard her story that night. I know that was the work of the Holy Spirit speaking directly to me in room filled with 20 other women.

I am forever blessed to have spent a short 3 hours with a such a wonderful spirit. I call her Awesome Ann and her story will forever be present in my life.

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