Sunday, July 4, 2010

Can't flush that....

With yesterday being our 17th wedding anniversary and today being the 4th of July, I think the baby is EXHAUSTED! My body can not seem to catch up to my brain! I tire easily and can't seem to get a good restful sleep with this big belly. Rob continuously tells me he thinks I'm beautiful and I so need to hear that right now. I feel like I should have six babies in my tummy instead of one. I absolutely love being pregnant and just have had a rough weekend with overdoing it. I need to start taking it easy and resting more. Just wish the kids could understand that as well!

For example, Alton, our 23.95 month old has become intrigued with putting things in the toilet. Tubes of toothpaste, makeup brushes, makeup, toys, etc. This caused our toilet to overflow and make rain fall from our kitchen ceiling this afternoon. Now, we must replace the toilet since we can't seem to get all the objects removed. Yes, I love being a mom and all the fun clean up that comes with it. He is one curious kid that can NOT be left alone for even a minute (obviously)!

I have only 4 weeks left until we meet our baby and I am super excited! Our little guy or gal is entering into our family who loves him/her sooooo much and can't wait to teach him/her all the new things in life. Now if we could just settle in on a name....


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