Saturday, March 10, 2012

Small Stature for Maximilian

As infants, all of our children begin their lives at least as 9 or 10 pound babies. They always seem to be within the 75% or higher on the growth charts. Except for Max. He is 19 months and went from 50% to 3%-5% on the charts for his height. Although his pediatrician claims there is nothing to worry about, I am. Plus, his speech is not nearly even close to what his siblings were at this age. He looks and talks like a 12 month old. He is wearing 18 month size clothing and we suspect he may have a small stature.

We had lab work done to confirm any concerns and they only thing that came back irregular was his Insulin Growth Factor level 1 was on the low side so we are awaiting a call from the endocrinologist to find out our next steps. They will probably want to have a cortisol stimulation test completed to see if he might need growth hormones.

It is so hard not to worry. It is in these times of uncertainty that I rely deeply on my faith in Christ. I am so thankful to have Him and our blessed Mother Mary to pray and ask for patience and help. Max is such a blessing in our family and I know that whatever the outcome, Jesus will see us through it.

When saying your prayers tonight, will you please lift up Max. Pray the doctors will have the knowledge to discover what it is we are working with and that the Lord protects him through the testing. Thank you friend. Thank you Jesus for Max.

Friday, December 3, 2010

"I've got the whole bed to myself!"

Last night I'm reading a book to the boys and Alton got upset because Clive was sitting closer to the book than he was so Alton pushed Clive away.

"Stop it Tivey! Move Tivey! I can't see the book Tivey!"

Clive got his feelings hurt and left the room.

I turned to Alton and I said, "Alton, we need to love our brothers. How do you think that makes Clive feel when you yell at him and push him away?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

I said in a soft whisper,"How does it make you feel that Clive is sad?"

"Happy!" Alton beamed a huge smile from ear to ear.

"Happy? Happy? Why do you feel happy?" I asked in disbelief.

"I get the whole bed to myself."

I had to leave the room to prevent my two year old little Alton see me laughing at him.

Good thing he's cute!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

I love when the Lord gives me perspective through my 4 year old Clive.

For example, we are frantically searching the house for his shoes, we are running 10 minutes behind schedule (not really if the world would just conform to Porter time), I'm really frustrated, Max is starting to fuss, no one is helping, and I'm about to snap.

Can you relate?

And then Clive stops and says, "Mother (that ALWAYS gets my attention when he calls me mother), why don't we pray and ask Jesus to find my shoes." I just looked at him and started to cry. Of course these were joyous tears reflecting the faith my son has in the Lord.

And so we prayed. And the shoes were found. Clive's faith was reinforced while mine was strengthened.

All over a pair of shoes.

Praise be to God!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sieze The Day

When I learned of the decision our insurance company made to "divorce" my favorite hospital, St. Luke's South, I was devastated. Both Clive and Alton were delivered there, in the same room with the same nurses. It was like a family reunion of sorts. So when I learned I would be delivering this baby at Shawnee Mission Medical Center to say I was disappointed was an understatement. I was absolutely crushed.

Now I'm sure you are thinking, "What's the big deal? It's a hospital. I mean, you're not buying the place, you're staying there for 3-4 days to have a baby. Get some perspective!" And I would tell you of course your right. I'm not living there, just visiting for a few days. Which made me think, aren't we all just visiting a few days here on earth?

We are not permanently living here. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I know my home is being prepared for me in heaven. My true family reunion will occur with angels and a host of family and friends that are awaiting my arrival.

As a Realtor, I enjoy finding the right home for a Buyer. Helping those start a new life which typically comes along with a change for that person. Through a family expansion, loss of job, loss of a spouse, change in income, or a multitude of other reasons, it's always a change. Have you ever known someone who handles change well? In my experience, they are typically anxious, nervous, unsettled, and can be very emotional. It is through this time I can be a face of Christ to these people. I can help renew their spirit in the Faith of Jesus that He controls all things in His timing.

It is all about perspective. About what matters most in this life we have been given. It reminds me of a song by Caroline Arends called "Seize the Day". You can listen to it here:

I want to make every moment count here on earth while helping as many people as I can prepare for their permanent home in Heaven. It is what we are called to do. If I can help you, please let me know.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Honoring Ann

It was a Monday evening as I met with my Sisters In Christ for another opportunity of listening and sharing.

A woman named Ann was there and shared her faith journey with our group.

I was in awe of this godly woman. To have been through so much tribulation all while honoring the Lord was a truly humbling moment in my life. She is this incredibly strong woman to have persevered through the trials of her life yet never once blaming God or anyone for the hand she was dealt.

It is quite the opposite. She PRAISED the LORD through it all. Every tribulation she honored Him.

Every pain. Every chemo treatment. Every cross she beared. She honored the Lord just as He has commanded us to do.

I never knew Ann. I never had the privilege of hanging out with her. We never prayed together or had lunch on a regular basis. She was not my neighbor or a friend of a friend. And yet her spirit really touched my heart. Her life was beautiful and I feel so blessed to have heard her story that night. I know that was the work of the Holy Spirit speaking directly to me in room filled with 20 other women.

I am forever blessed to have spent a short 3 hours with a such a wonderful spirit. I call her Awesome Ann and her story will forever be present in my life.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Can't flush that....

With yesterday being our 17th wedding anniversary and today being the 4th of July, I think the baby is EXHAUSTED! My body can not seem to catch up to my brain! I tire easily and can't seem to get a good restful sleep with this big belly. Rob continuously tells me he thinks I'm beautiful and I so need to hear that right now. I feel like I should have six babies in my tummy instead of one. I absolutely love being pregnant and just have had a rough weekend with overdoing it. I need to start taking it easy and resting more. Just wish the kids could understand that as well!

For example, Alton, our 23.95 month old has become intrigued with putting things in the toilet. Tubes of toothpaste, makeup brushes, makeup, toys, etc. This caused our toilet to overflow and make rain fall from our kitchen ceiling this afternoon. Now, we must replace the toilet since we can't seem to get all the objects removed. Yes, I love being a mom and all the fun clean up that comes with it. He is one curious kid that can NOT be left alone for even a minute (obviously)!

I have only 4 weeks left until we meet our baby and I am super excited! Our little guy or gal is entering into our family who loves him/her sooooo much and can't wait to teach him/her all the new things in life. Now if we could just settle in on a name....


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Focusing on the positive is sometimes a hard thing to do. Seeing the good in every situation is equally as hard. Today I was pretty grouchy and pretty short tempered with my kids. As I sit and reflect on my day I began to feel guilt for all the yelling I did. The pregnancy hormones were in full force today and I am not one to "blame" my reactions on "something" but in this case it is the honest truth. It's as though I was having an out-of-body experience as I snapped at everyone. I have since asked for forgiveness however the guilt is still there.

I am reminded of how patient the Lord is with me. How he knows what I will do before I even make the decision to do it. And He stands by me and allows me to make that wrong decision so I can learn some kind of lesson through the experience. He never yells at me. He never fails me. He loves me regardless of my faults. I don't deserve his forgiveness but I am so glad it's there.

That is the positive I am seeking in my "Mr.Grumpy Gills" kinda day. It is a reminder of the love I receive from Christ to pass along to my children even when they "don't deserve it".

I love the song by Matt Redman:You Never Let Go.